Software Tutorials

FileKit Recorded Tutorials
The table below contains recorded audio/visual playback of FileKit tutorials.
Please note, most of the tutorials were recorded prior to the change of name from SELCOPYi to FileKit.
Where references are made to SELCOPYi, please interpret these as FileKit.
Audio playback requires that speakers or headphones are connected to your PC.
Due to their size, it is recommended that the presentations are saved to disk before viewing them. (Right mouse click then "Save Link Target As".)
SELCOPY Recorded Tutorials
The table below contains recorded playback of SELCOPY tutorial presentations. Audio playback requires that speakers or headphones are connected to your PC.
SELCOPY Presentations in Macromedia Flash Format
The presentations listed below are .zip archives that contain stand alone Macromedia Flash executable (.exe) files. Having extracted and executed a .exe file, a Macromedia Shockwave Flash window is opened to play the presentation. Note that no extra software needs to be installed, however, a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 is recommended.
Presentation | Zip File Size | Last Update |
SELCOPY Interactive Debug in FileKit | 1,998,753 bytes | 2005/11/15 11:46 |
SELCOPY Interactive Debug in FileKit (43x80) | 1,779,682 bytes | 2007/07/20 17:27 |
Each presentation demonstrates the use of the various features within FileKit.
Note: The following tutorials are also available in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format (see below.)
SELCOPY Presentations in Adobe Acrobat PDF Format
For sites that have firewalls that block the download of executable files, then the presentations may be viewed as Adobe .pdf documents without the addition of animation. Because each screen shot is an image containing character text, the Acrobat reader window may have to be adjusted so that the images are in focus and the text is legible.
Presentation | PDF File Size | Last Update |
SELCOPY Interactive Debug in FileKit | 12,021,922 bytes | 2005/11/15 11:42 |
Due to their size, it is recommended that the presentations are saved to disk before viewing them. (Right mouse click then "Save Link Target As".)
CBLVCAT Presentations in Macromedia Flash Format
The presentations listed below are .zip archives that contain stand alone Macromedia Flash executable (.exe) files.
Presentation | Zip File Size | Last Update |
CBLVCAT Interactive Execution in FileKit | 1,440,863 bytes | 2005/11/01 10:57 |
Having extracted and executed a .exe file, a Macromedia Shockwave Flash window is opened to play the presentation. Note that no extra software needs to be installed, however, a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 is recommended.
Each presentation demonstrates the use of the various features of CBLVCAT within the CBLVCT Interactive component of FileKit.
Note: The following tutorials are also available in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format (see below.)
CBLVCAT Presentations in Adobe Acrobat PDF Format
For sites that have firewalls that block the download of executable files, then the presentations may be viewed as Adobe .pdf documents without the addition of animation.
Presentation | PDF File Size | Last Update |
CBLVCAT Interactive Execution in FileKit | 5,848,823 bytes | 2005/11/01 12:10 |
Because each screen shot is an image containing character text, the Acrobat reader window may have to be adjusted so that the images are in focus and the text is legible.
Due to their size, it is recommended that the presentations are saved to disk before viewing them. (Right mouse click then "Save Link Target As".)