// USER=, /* RACF */
// GROUP=, /* RACF */
// PASSWORD=, /* RACF */
//* ** SVCRFNH *** ---------------------------------------------------*
//* &PREFIX..SVCRFNH L=001 --- 2023/03/16 14:29:31 (NBJ)
//* Licensed Materials - Property of Compute (Bridgend) Ltd
//* Copyright (C) 2004-2010 - Compute (Bridgend) Ltd.
//* All rights reserved.
//* ------------------------------------------------------------------*
//* !!! Ensure CAPS OFF is in effect. !!!
//* This job contains case sensitive control statements.
//* Executes SMP/E RECEIVE FROMNETWORK to perform HTTP (non-secure)
//* transfer of a SELCOPY Product Suite service package from the CBL
//* web server to the local z/OS host.
//* An existing SMP/E global CSI must be specified for ddname SMPCSI.
//* For operand TRANSFERONLY, this may be any existing global CSI.
//* (No processing of package data takes place.)
//* To install service to SELCOPY Product Suite in an existing CSI,
//* operand TRANSFERONLY may be uncommented so that, following the
//* transfer, RECEIVE processes the package data in the /SMPPTFIN
//* path for the specified global CSI.
//* This assumes that required SMP/E zone-related DDDEFs already exist
//* in the global CSI. (See "SMP/E for z/OS Commands".)
//* To avoid space issues, it is recommended that a new file system be
//* mounted at the SMPNTS path on your host system. This should be
//* allocated with a SPACE value that can accomodate no less than 3
//* times the overall product package size.
//* You must customise this job before running it:
//* - Tailor the JOB statement.
//* - Tailor job variables to suitable values for you installation.
//* This may be done manually or by invoking the SELCOPY/i and
//* ISPF edit macro, ZZSIEDIT, configured when SELCOPY product
//* suite was installed. See library SZZSSAM1.
//* See instructions in the macro for more information.
//* 1. Change #smppre to be the DSN prefix (high level qualifiers)
//* of the SMP/E GLOBAL CSI data set.
//* 2. Change #ntspath to be the name of your SMPNTS directory
//* which will contain the service directory.
//* (e.g. /u/smpe/smpnts)
//* - SMPCSI DD specifies the global CSI to be used.
//* The CSI will not be used if TRANSFERONLY operand is specified.
//* - Uncomment SMPWKDIR DD statement and tailor the PATH if a
//* separate workspace path linking to a different mounted file
//* system is to be used.
//* Note: SMPWKDIR is not used if TRANSFERONLY is specified.
//* SMPWKDIR is the target path for the unzipped package files.
//* These are deleted on completion of RECEIVE processing.
//* - For SMP/E 34.09 or later...
//* 1. Uncomment the SMPJHOME DD statement and tailor the PATH to
//* reference the Java runtime libraries
//* (e.g. '/usr/lpp/java/J8.0/'). SMP/E will then use Java(TM)
//* to check the SHA-1 package integrity instead of ICSF.
//* 2. Uncomment the SMPCPATH DD statement and tailor the PATH to
//* reference the SMP/E class libraries.
//* - Uncomment TRANSFERONLY operand on the RECEIVE command to
//* transfer the package to the z/OS host without doing the
//* RECEIVE to the global zone specified by the SMPCSI DD
//* statement. A RECEIVE may be performed later using the sample
//* job SVCRNTS, which uses RECEIVE with operand FROMNTS.
//* Alternatively, sample job SVCRUNZ may be used to perform an
//* unzip of the package to a sequential data set and then use
//* this as SMPPTFIN input to RECEIVE.
//* - CLIENT(CLNTPARM) tag and attribute downloadmethod is required
//* and must be assigned the value "http".
//* (See "SMP/E for z/OS Commands".)
//* Notes:
//* 1. Job should complete with a return code 0.
//* ------------------------------------------------------------------*
//* History:
//* L=001 2023/03/16 -nbj- IQ005496 - Adapted from SVCRFN for http.
//* ------------------------------------------------------------------*
//SMPCSI DD DISP=SHR,DSN=#smppre.CSI <== change this.
// PATH='#ntspath/' <== change this.
//* PATH='/u/smpe/workdir/' <== change this.
//*SMPJHOME DD PATH='/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64' <== change this.
//*SMPCPATH DD PATH='/usr/lpp/smp/classes/' <== change this.
/* TRANSFERONLY */ /* <== change this. */
//* SERVPARM DD input is already customised for this package.
//* Please do not alter this information.
//* CLNTPARM DD input is required.
//* HTTP and SOCKS Proxy Server tags below are commented out.
//* Remove the XML comment start and end tags to specify HTTP or SOCKS
//* Proxy Server information. The tags are optional and are defined by
//* SMP/E.
//* See "SMP/E for z/OS Commands" manual for CLIENT information.